Monday, July 12, 2021

The Guardianship and Administration of the Estate of Robert Lacy of Sussex County, Delaware


The Guardianship and Administration of the Estate of Robert Lacy of Sussex County, Delaware

 Robert Lacey (or Lacy) is a name that appears throughout Sussex County, Delaware throughout the 18th and early 19th centuries. The administration of the estate of one Robert Lacey 1780-1787 and the guardianship of his three children involves at least three individuals named Robert Lacey: (1) Robert Lacey, deceased, who died February 1780 and is the subject of the administration; (2) Robert Lacey, minor son of Robert Lacey (1); and, Robert Lacey, a relative and Guardian of minor Robert Lacey (2). To distinguish these individuals the following designation is used:

  1. Robert LaceyD = Robert Lacey, deceased, 1780
  2. Robert LaceyG = Robert Lacey, Guardian of minor son Robert Lacey.
  3. Robert LaceyJr = Robert Lacy, minor son of Robert LaceyD

Administration Account and Inventory

Robert LaceyD, yeoman, of Sussex County Delaware died intestate in 1780. His death appears to have been recorded in the records of the Lewes, Coolspring Presbyterian Church as 20 February 1780. [1]  

On 23 February 1780, Mary Lacey and Phillip Marvel posted a bond of £2000 as Executors and Administrators of the estate of Robert Lacey, deceased. [2] An inventory of the estate of Robert Lacey was made by Simon Kollock and George Frame and reported on 2 March 1780. The estate was valued at £16,770, a considerable amount. [3] Mary Lacey, administrartrix of all Singular good and chattels Rights and Credits that were of Robert Lacy late of the County of Sussex” makes an accounting shortly after 2 March 1780 (no date recorded) including the £16,770 from the inventory, which had been depreciated to £447:1:6.[4]

Petitions to Appoint Guardians

On 18 August 1781, Mary Lacey petitioned the Orphans Court of Sussex County, Delaware to appoint guardians for her three minor children, under the age of 14, of Robert Lacey, deceased: Hezekiah Lacey, Ann Lacey, and Robert LaceyJr. She “[h]umbly prays your Worships to appoint some person as to you shall seem fit to be Guardian to said Minors persons and Estates during there [sic] Minority.” Signed Mary Lacy [5]


The Court considered her request and appointed her, Mary Lacey, as Guardian and she accepted. She then provide and accounting as Administratrix of the estate of Robert LaceyD in the amount of £447..1..6 less £10..3..2 for her own expenses to be disbursed to Mary Lacey.

All seems fairly straightforward until 7 August 1783. A Robert LaceyGa nephew of the deceased, (son of John Lacey and Ann Parker) came into the Orphans Court and stated that a Claypoole Davidson had “intermarried” with Mary Lacey who had been the Guardian of Robert LaceyJr, son of Robert LaceyD, deceased. He “and others” made the case that Claypool Davidson and his wife Mary “did not Act the part of Guardian to said minor [Robert LacyJr] but on the Contrary used him very ill.” The Court removed Claypool Davidson as Guardian and appointed Robert Lacey as Guardian. [6] 

In the next Orphans Court entry, also on 7 August 1783, Hezekiah Lacey and Ann Lacey, the other two minor children of Robert LaceyD, “being above the age of fourteen years” requested that John Morris, “son of William,” be appointed their Guardian. The Court approved. [7] John Morris, as it turns out, is a first cousin of Robert LaceyG and nephew of Robert LaceyD through his sister’s (Elizabeth or Betty Lacey) marriage to William Morris. [8]

In other words, it appears that Mary Lacey, who had been appointed Guardian to all three children of Robert LaceyD  in 1781, had married Claypool Davidson after 1781 and before 1783 and that they did not perform their Guardianship duties and, in fact, treated the third minor child, Robert LaceyJr “very ill.” Robert LaceyGnephew of the deceased, stepped in to rescue Robert LaceyJr  from what seems a bad situation and the Court approved his as Guardian.


It appears from these two entries in the Orphans Court of 7 August 1783 that of the three children of Robert LaceyD, that Robert LaceyJr was the youngest child and under fourteen in 1783. Hezekiah and Ann are now over 14, but only two years earlier were under 14. Hezekiah appears to be the eldest, followed by Ann.

Both Robert Lacey, Guardian of Robert LaceyJr and John Morris, Guardian of Hezekiah and Ann Lacey, children of Robert LaceyD posted bonds on 7 August 1783 at £200 and £500, respectively. [9] Robert LaceyG was the first signature on the former and John Morris the first signature on the later.

Accounting of Estate of Robert Lacey, deceased

An additional account of Claypool Davidson and Mary his wife, “late Mary Lacey Relict and administratrix of Robert Lacey, deceased” was produced. The accountants charge themselves with a balance of the estate settled in August 1781 at £441 : 8 : 4. The accountants claim that mistakes were made in the last settlement in the amount of £41 :0 : 9 [10]

Also on 25 November 1783, Claypoole Davidson and his wife, the late Mary Lacey widow of Robert LaceyD produced an accounting of their administration of the estate of Robert LaceyD with a distribution of £82..19..51/2 to each of the children: Hezekiah, Ann, and Robert. The transcribed record in the Orphans Court Docket D recorded Hezekiah Lacey twice and the clerk meant the minor Robert LaceyJr [11]

Accounting of Lands of Robert Lacey, deceased

On 4 February 1784 the Court was informed by both Robert LaceyG and John Morris, Guardians, that the children of Robert LaceyD were “seized of Lands and tenements” in Indian River Hundred and that free holders of the Court were sent to evaluate and set an annual valuation.  A separate valuation was made for the lands of Robert LaceyJr, minor of Robert LaceyD and the lands of Hezekiah and Ann Lacey. [12]

The Court appointed three free holders: Simon Kollock, Esquire; Nathaniel Waples, Esquire; and Captain William Newbold and they reported separately on the lands of Robert LaceyD and the lands of Hezekiah and Ann Lacey. For Robert Lacey’sJr valuation, the land in Indian River Hundred was worth one pound, thirteen shillings, and four pence [13]; the same land was valued at three pounds sixteen shillings and eight pence for Hezekiah and Ann Lacy. They further described that the land contained a dwelling house, twenty feet by sixteen feet that was made of “Hughed” logs, a pine board floor and brick chimney. There was also a small log “Chitchen,” 567 pannels of fencing and thirteen fruit trees. [14]

And there things stood until three years later on 8 March 1787 when Hezekiah Lacey appeared in Court to request that five free holders go onto the lands of Robert LaceyD, deceased and to divide and partition the lands amongst the three heirs, namely himself, Ann Lacey and Robert LaceyJr, all children of Robert LaceyD .[15]

The five free holders, namely Simon Kollock, Thomas Burbagge, William Brittingham Ennis, George Mislick, and Joshua Morris employed a skilled Surveyor, William Butcher, to survey the land for division and partition among the three heirs. [16]


On 5 May 1787 the free holders and Surveyor returned a report that the land, 100 acres in Indian River Hundred, would not divide amongst the heirs without “marring or spoiling” the property. [17]

On 6 June 1787, the report on the division of Robert Lacey’s land was delivered. Also, Hezekiah Lacey came into the Court and acknowledged that John Morris, his late Guardian, had fully satisfied and paid him the whole of his Estate and discharges the  Guardian from his Guardianship. [18]

Presumably, Hezekiah Lacey had reached the age of 21. Hezekiah Lacey returned to Court on 7 June 1787 and asked the Court to appoint three free holders to make a “just estimate of the intrinsic value of the lands.” [19] There are no other entries in the Orphans Court regarding the matter. No record in the Orphans Court has been located as to whether the Court appointed the requested free holders and no report was recorded on the value of the lands. There are no records after 1787 that mention Ann Lacey. She apparently passed away or married as only Hezekiah Lacey appears in Court on 7 June 1787 to ask for value of the lands. No other records are found in the Orphans Court or other Courts of Sussex County, so it was assumed that the 100 acres remained undivided amongst the heirs.

The Death of Robert Lacey, Jr.

In 1801, Hezekiah Lacey appears as an administrator of the estate of Robert Lacey, Jr as apparently Robert LaceyJr, son of Robert LaceyD had died [20]. The administration includes a final accounting of the Guardian Robert Lacey. [21] Both Robert LaceyG and Hezekiah Lacey post $500 bond for the administration of the estate of Robert Lacey, Jr. [22] No mention is made in the final guardian account or in the administration accounting of any land in possession of Robert LaceyJr.

 Hezekiah Lacey appears on the 1820 Census for Dagsboro Hundred, Sussex County, but disappears from the records after that date. His name appears on the 1828 Tax Assessment for Dagsboro Hundred,  but the entry is crossed out indicating he moved from the area or passed away. [23] There are no probate, census or deed records in any of the surrounding counties are states for Hezekiah Lacey.


What Happened to the 100 Acres of Undivided Land?

After Robert LaceyJr died in 1801, only Hezekiah Lacey seems to be the sole heir of the 100 acres of land.  On the Indian River Tax Assessment for 1801, Robert LaceyG, Senr, the guardian of Robert LaceyJr, minor, received 100 acres of land transferred from John Morris. [24] There is no deed recorded in Sussex County nor an Orphans Court record, but recall that John Morris was the guardian of Hezekiah and Ann Lacey and responsible for the 100 acres of land that would not divide amongst the now remaining heirs, Hezekiah and Ann Lacey, which by 1801 appears to be only Hezekiah Lacey. Apparently, the heirs no longer wanting the land, John Morris transfers the land to Robert LaceyG 

In a deed dated 22 November 1817, Robert LaceyG and his current wife, Rhoda sell two pieces of land to John Sharp: one at 154 ½ acres in Indian River Hundred and another 2 acres, 70 perches, also in Indian River Hundred. The deed notes in particular that these lands are part of a larger tract of land “which was originally surveyed & taken up by a certain Robert Lacey grandfather to this grantor in pursuance of a Proprietaries Warrant dated at Philadelphia twenty first day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and forty one and is called and known by the name of Lacy’s Fortune. [25]

This was land owned by Robert Lacey, father of Robert LaceyD (and grandfather of Robert LaceyG ) [26] who, in a will dated 13 March 1753, bequeathed this land his son Robert LaceyD [27]. This land was not sold during Robert Lacey’sD lifetime and was likely the 100 acres of land that passed to his children and that would not divide and was transferred to Robert LaceyG by John Morris about 1801.

There are other complications with the lands of the Robert Laceys, but that is another story.


[1] F. Edward Wright, Vital Records of Kent and Sussex Counties Delaware, 1686-1800. Lewes and Coolspring Presbyterian Church, Lewes, Delaware. (Silver Spring, Maryland: Family Line Publications, 1986), 116. “Robert Lassee [sic], Carpenter, a Rake reform’d d. (Sunday at his work), February 26(?), 1780”

[2]  Sussex County Probates, RG4545.009, Robert LaceyD (1780-1783). 

[3] Ibid. The inventory is three pages and notes the value of a Negro girl at £1600 and a Negro old woman at £600. The inventory notes that Robert LaceyD has £7500 in Certificates “of ye Continental Treasury.” In the Register of Loan Office Certificates Issued in the State of Delaware (January 1780), Robert LaceyD took several certificates of debt for financing of the Revolutionary War (National Archives and Records Administration, Record Group 53: Records of the Bureau of Public Debt; Microfilm Publications: M1008, T784; Records of the Delaware Loan Office, 53.3.8).  

[4] Sussex County Probates, RG4545.009, Robert LaceyD (1780-1783).

[5] Delaware, Sussex County, probate records : estate case files, 1700-1956, browsable images,, ( : accessed 7 July 2021), Mary Lacy petition for guardian for Hezekiah, Ann and Robert Lacy, 28 Aug 1781; Folder RG4840.009, Lacy, Robert (dec’d) 1781-1787, #10 (minors-Anna, Hezekiah, Robert); Delaware, Sussex County, probate records; Case files, Kollock, A. - Lafferty, Wm., ca. 1 Jan 1700–31 Dec 1956; Orphans Court, Sussex County, Delaware Public Archives; image 396.

[6] Orphans' Court dockets, 1770-1847; general index, 1728-1847, browsable images, ( : accessed 1 September 2021) > Orphans' Court dockets, books A, D-E 1770-1796, Lacey, Robert, minor, Petition to appoint guardian, 7 Aug 1783, Orphans Court Docket D, p. 193-194, image 352-353.

[7] Ibid. John Morris is the son of William Morris and Betty Lacey, brother of Robert Lacey. John Morris was therefore a nephew of Robert Lacey (deceased 1780) and first cousin to Hezekiah, Ann and Robert as well as first cousin to Robert Lacey (m. Sukey), son of John Lacey.

[8] Sussex County, Delaware Wills, 1682-1851; index to wills, 1684-1948,, database with images ( : accessed 23 August 2021), William Morris, 1797, Will Book E, p 151); image 88-89. In the will of her father, Robert lacey, Betty Morris is bequeathed 5 shillings (Sussex County, Delaware Wills, 1682-1851, Entry for Robert Lacey, 1753, Will Book B, p 59); image 36-38).

[9] Delaware, Sussex County, probate records : estate case files, 1700-1956, ( : accessed 7 July 2021) Folder RG4840.009, Lacy, Robert (dec’d) 1781-1787, #10 (minors-Anna, Hezekiah, Robert); Delaware, Sussex County, probate records; Case files, Kollock, A. - Lafferty, Wm., ca. 1 Jan 1700–31 Dec 1956; Delaware. Orphans Court, Sussex County, Delaware Public Archives; image 407 and 409.

[10]  Sussex County Probate, RG4545.009, Robert Lacey (1780-1783).

[11] Orphans Court Docket D, p. 224-225, image 368-369. The account in the original Orphans Court Minute Dockets for 25 November 1783, correctly records that Robert Lacey, Jnr received his share of £82..9..51/2: Sussex County, Delaware, Orphans Court Dockets and minutes, 1728-1802,, browsable images, ( : 1 September 2021) > Minute Docket Book No. 1, 1773-1784, Account of Estate of Robert Lacey, deceased 25 November 1783, p. 161-162, image 420-421.

[12] Orphans Court Docket D, p. 238, image 375.

[13] Delaware, Sussex County, probate records : estate case files, 1700-1956, Folder RG4840.009, Lacy, Robert (dec’d) 1781-1787, image 397.

[14]  Delaware, Sussex County, probate records : estate case files, 1700-1956, Folder RG4840.009, Lacy, Robert (dec’d) 1781-1787, image 401.

[15]  Orphans Court Docket E, p. 166-167, image 545-546. Original copies of these reports by the free holders are found in the Probate file of Robert Lacey: Delaware, Sussex County, probate records : estate case files, 1700-1956, Folder RG4840.009, Lacy, Robert (dec’d) 1781-1787, images 413, 415.

[16] Ibid.

[17] Ibid.

[18] Sussex County, Delaware, Orphans Court Dockets and minutes, 1728-1802,, browsable images, ( : 1 September 2021) > March 1786-August 1789, Hezekiah Lacey-release of guardian, John Morris, 6 June 1787, p. 113, image 499. This record appears in the original O.C. Minute dockets, but not in the recorded/transcribed Orphans Court records.

[19]  Sussex County Orphan’s Court Records, Docket E, p. 167, image 546

[20] Sussex County, Delaware, Probate Records, Probate File for Robert Lacey, Jr. 1801-1804; RG4545.009; Delaware Public Archives, Dover, Delaware.

[21] Sussex County, Delaware, Guardian Accounts,, browsable image ( : 1 September 2021) > Ingram – McIlvain > image 291, Robert Lacey, minor, final Guardian Account, 7 August 1804. A copy is also attached to the administration records: Sussex County, Delaware, Probate Records, Probate File for Robert Lacey, Jr. 1801-1804.

[22] Sussex County, Delaware, Probate Records, Probate File for Robert Lacey, Jr. 1801-1804.

[23] Delaware, Sussex County, Assessment Records, 1801-1902, browsable images, ( : accessed 20 June 2021), 1828 Tax Assessment, Broadkill Hundred, Hezekiah Lacey; Assessment Records (Amended), Broad Creek Hundred no date Section B to Broadkill Hundred,1801 to 1828, Turkin Wright, RG4535.000 Roll#009, 1 Jan 1801–31 Dec 1992; 105624375. Hezekiah Lacey, Person Tax $134.00. Entry is crossed out, possibly indicating that he either left Sussex County or passed away.

[24] Tax lists of Sussex County, Delaware, before 1767-1850,, browsable images, ( : accessed 9 September 2021) > Tax lists, #31-75 before 1767-1801 > Indian River Hundred > 1801, Robert Lacey, image 930.

[25] Delaware, U.S., Land Records, 1677-1947, ( > Sussex > 008, Image 388, Robert Lacey to John Sharp, Deed Book AQ39, p. 88-89, image 61.

[26] The statement that Robert Lacey is the grandfather of Robert LaceyG provides a clue as to Robert Lacey’sG relationship. From the 1753 will, Robert Lacey had four sons that he bequeathed substantial amounts of land: John Lacey, Parker Lacey, Robert LaceyD, and William Baggs Lacey. Robert LaceyG could only be the son of John Lacey. This relationship would indicate that Robert LaceyG was a nephew of Robert LaceyD and first cousin to Robert LaceyJr.

[27] Sussex County, Delaware Wills, 1682-1851; index to wills, 1684-1948,, database with images ( : accessed 26 July 2021), Entry for Robert Lacey, 1753, Will Book B, p 59); image 36-38.







Sunday, June 6, 2021

The War Isn’t Over for Us: A Soldier’s Post-War Experiences in Occupied Japan, August 1945 – January 1946


The War Isn’t Over for Us: A Soldier’s Post-War Experiences in Occupied Japan, August 1945 – January 1946


Dad was a jeep driver. Although he entered the Army in 1942, he never saw active combat. His Division was being held back and was being trained for a much larger mission in what was then called the Asiatic-Pacific Theater of Operations (or APTO).


Dad’s Army training took him from basic training at Camp Breckinridge, Kentucky, to “Tennessee Maneuvers” at Camp Forrest, Tennessee, to Camp Rucker, Alabama, to Washington State, and finally to Oahu, Territories of Hawa’ii. 


In 1944-1945, the Division learned that they were to be engaged in bringing the war to Japan, with the invasion of the Japanese homeland itself.  After the atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the Japanese government capitulated, forcing the unconditional surrender of the Japanese military. Rather than being sent home, Dad’s Division was immediately re-deployed from a combat invasion force to an occupation force, and was sent to Japan as the first wave of the U.S. occupation of Japan.  Not knowing what kind of reception would be awaiting the men upon their arrival at the Japanese homeland, the Division was combat-deployed in anticipation of possible combat. There was none, and the peaceful occupation of Japan was begun.


Eugene Major, Jr. (Dad) was assigned to the U.S. Army 98th Infantry Division, 391st Regiment during World War II. He was inducted on October 20, 1942 and entered active service on November 9, 1942. He was in Company “C” while stationed at Fort Breckinridge during basic training and was attached to HQ Company while in occupied Japan as a jeep and truck driver. He was discharged on January 5, 1946 with the rank of Tec 5.


The 98th Division was being groomed for the invasion of Japan, although few knew it at the time, though Dad informed Mom (Faith Constance Rogers, the future Mrs. Eugene Major) in a letter (September 16, 1945) prior to the occupied landing, that had not the Japanese surrendered, they were to be among the invading U.S. force: If the war didn't end, I would have been in the invasion of Japan. It would have been a very bloody battle. That's what I had all that stuff on my jeep for. We knew a long time ago that we'd be in the invasion and were hoping for the war to end when God answered our prayers”


After 18 months of training at Camp Breckinridge, Kentucky; Camp Forrest, Tennessee; and Camp Rucker, Alabama, Dad was deployed to  Oahu, Territories of Hawa’ii on 19 April 1944.


                                    Top: Dad at Camp Breckenridge KY, 1942. Bottom: Dad at
                                     Oahu, Territories of Hawa’ii, 1944. 


Slated as a participant in Operation Olympic, scheduled for 1 November 1945, one of two planned invasions of Japan, the war drew to a close before the 98th was deployed to an active combat zone. Instead, the 98th Division arrived in Japan on 27 Sep 1945 and served in Osaka, Japan as part of the occupying force until 16 February 1946 when the unit was inactivated. (Source:

The 98th in Planning the Occupation of Japan

The 98th Division was engaged in Phase I, Baker Ten, Operation Blacklist (which were part of the plans for Operation Olympic) and landed in Wakayama Bay on the island of Honshu with the objective of occupying and establishing control over the Osaka area including the prefectures of Osaka, Nara, Wakayama, and Miye.  For details of Operation Olympic see (

Reaction to the Atomic Bomb and Surrender of Japanese Forces

My Dad writes to (future Mom upon hearing of the atomic bombs and the surrender of the Japanese.

August 10, 1945

Friday, 7:00pm

Well, this Sunday morning I left here and the week went by pretty good. I was hoping that by the time I got back there'd be some big news and there was more then enough. First of all, that new Atomic bomb got us all stirred up and when [someone?] came in, that was all. The fellows were all excited and kept saying, it won't last much longer now.

The Friday morning at 3:30, one of the guys yelled out that the war is over. Boy, talk about excitement, you can imagine….then all day we kept listening to the news and there isn't an official yet, but there probably will be soon.


August 14, 1945

Tuesday, 3:00pm

..if this isn't a happy and glorious day. The one the world's been waiting for, the Jap surrender. It's a wonderful moment and I can imagine whats going on at home. Everyone is just overjoyed here. Gosh hon, now all I hope is we have peace until the end of time.

….it's just a matter of time before the services head for home but that could be any length of time. Just keep your fingers crossed.

I'm wiring now for we all just heard the news and I just have to talk to you.


We're going to have a parade in Honolulu tomorrow. I'm getting my equipment ready now.


However, the excitement was short-lived.  Sometime between the 15 August and 26 August, 1945, the troops were informed of a mission, though at the time, they did not know of their destination (though Dad surmised where they were going) until departure from Oahu. The following letter was the last Dad would be able to write and mail until September 16, 1945.

August 26, 1945


.... a friend of mine is transferred from our convoy to an outfit on the Island. I gave him your letters to mail for me as I can't take it with me. If it wasn't for him, I'd have to leave them, which I just couldn't do. I'm going down under, probably to Japan as an occupation force. No telling when I'll get home but it's got to be within a year. This letter will be mailed by him as soon as censorship is lifted.You probably won't hear from me for a long time, until I get to my destination. You better tell Jen and the folks, but please don't worry about me. 

Indeed, the 98th Infantry Division was shipping out as the US occupying force in Japan. Elements of the Division embarked on August 31, 1945 and September 4, 1945. The reinforcements of the Division embarked at Pearl Harbor on September 5 and 6, 1945. The main convoy departed for Japan on September 7. Dad reported to his ship on September 6, 1945. From later documents, he was on board the USS Logan.

Landing in Japan 

The 98th Division convoy left Saipan on September 22, 1945. On September 25, the troops were issued orders as to uniforms to be worn during the landing and types and quantities of each weapon. The troops were ordered not to carry flamethrowers, rocket ammunition, and demolitions.


On September 27, 1945, the convoy arrived at Wakayama, Honshu, Japan. The latest details of the landing was held aboard the Command Ship on September 27 including beach conditions, roads, and location of initial bivouac areas. The landing was on schedule, but the Division was told that their objective was now to proceed immediately by rail to Taisho Airfield near Osaka. The commander stated that the Japanese were fully cooperating and had already gathered arms and ammunitions into assembly areas and were waiting for the troops to take them over.  


The landing was filmed by Ettore Porreca in 1945 as a 24 year old GI and narrated by him in 2011, aged 90. The film is available on YouTube at

Army photographers never saw processed images of what they shot in the field. The film seen above was discovered by the historian of the 98th Division, Jack Greene, and he sent it to Ettore 66 years after it was shot. Of all the thousands of feet of film Ettore took when in the army, this is the only footage that he has ever seen.


 Dad wrote afterwards:

...from Thursday morning the 27th [September]. We pulled into Japan Thursday morning ... and the weather and the trip was perfect right up to then. When we anchored, it started to rain. There were ships all over the place. Next, we got ready to hit the beach. I was in a small craft myself and the jeep. I was soaked from the rain as well as the spray coming into the boat. We hit the beach and I took off. I didn't get stuck anywhere even though it was sandy and muddy. I waited a few moments and found some of our boys and we got together, that is our Company. Boy, what confusion on the beach landing as you can imagine. There were trucks of all types, tanks, ships. As far as the eye could see, there were all sorts of ships. It was miserable on the beach, raining and we were soaked and no dry clothes. Gosh, what a spectacle that was. I can just imagine what the Normandy beach head was like. Boy, and this was a mere drop in the bucket too. [?] Japan have never seen anything like it. There was everything imaginable there. I won't forget that sight for a long time. We waited much of the day, built a fire, but couldn't get dried because of the continuous downpour.

D-Day Landings at Wakayama, Honshu, Japan, 27 September 1945.

The Occupation of Japan, 391st Division report, provides a few more details as to the objective. The men were to form on the beaches and march to the railroad station at Wakayama and set out for Yai on the outskirts of Osaka. The intention was to bivuac at Taisho Airport that night. A train departed every hour or so for Yao and the 391st and 389th alternated using the trains. An advance party was to go by vehicle convoy to Osaka, but were delayed by “narrow, muddy roads" that were congested with Army and Navy vehicles, and the usual inquisitive Japanese. The airport was about 9 miles from the train station. Dad was in the convoy that advanced to the airport ahead of the trains.


The conditions at the airport were less than what was expected.



Tashio Airfield. This is what the landing force had to live in upon arrival.


The 98th Division describes the airfield as being in a “state of deterioration. It had not been used for approximately a month prior to the occupation….buildings and hangers had been neglected and were in various stages of disrepair.”  Dad wrote:


After being miserable all day, cold & wet and to a place like that, well that was too much. I wouldn't sleep on that ground for the world. I got my feet dry by the fire and went out to the jeep and bundled up.

It wasn't exactly what you call comfort but it beat sleeping on the ground. It was still raining too. Morning came, Friday the 28th and then what a sight beheld us. The area was vacant for a long time, everything was bombed, and the place was filthy, bugs, fleas, lice, and everything you could imagine. It stopped raining and we looked around. Planes were scattered all over the field, wrecked. Hangers, wrecked and filthy, and we had to live here. 

By October 5, 1945 the troops had been relocated to other areas in nearby Osaka. Dad's unit was relocated to the  Osaka Commercial College by October 11, which was relatively  undamaged.


Much of the mission of the 98th was to locate muntions stores and stockpiles of weapons. The living conditions of the people of Japan were horrific. He describes various travels, without going into details as to where he was going.


One one occaision, he writes:

October 16, 1945

Tuesday 7:30 pm

Hotel Numagi, Japan

We got back late last night and boy, was I tired. It was a rough trip. The roads were terrible and were made for cattle, not cars. Boy, it was bumpy and it shook me all up. My can still hurts.

I've never seen such roads before. The weather was nice all the way. We started early Friday morning and I drove 220 miles the first day. We were pretty well beaten. ...the roads are all dirt and holes. We saw several cities and you should see the destruction. Every city was flat. Boy, what ruins and the people were all walking back and forth with their belongings. Well, that night we stayed at a Japanese Hotel of which I have some cards. You see we had an interpreter with us and he did all the talking. It was a very clear plan. When I get home, I'll describe actually what it's like. The people

were swell and we even had some beer. Their beer is the first I've ever drunk. We cooked our own rations and had a swell meal. You sleep on the floor but the floor is matted and is soft. They put quilts down on top of that and that's the way we slept. It was very comfortable. In the morning we started off again. I drove another 110 miles. We reached our first destination, Numagi, where we stayed in the Shizia Hotel. 


Guess what, I took a hot bath in a tub. Yep! It's almost 2 years since I was in one. It felt good. We had supper there and I went to bed around 8:00 o'clock because I was tired. The three of us were because it was a bouncing ride and shook the dickens out of us. Oh did that bed feel good.  Got up the next morning and we decided to take the train over to our next town. We left my jeep at the hotel and off we went. It was swell riding on the train.  All the Japs were looking at us. We got to Atami in a half hour and linked up on our troops. [Atami is a city located in the eastern end of Shizuoka, Japan].

Took a shower and had supper and had some Jap whiskey. It too was good and also their Saki. It's like wine. Very tasty.... Gee, we were even told that the place was 140 miles away and it turned out to be 385. We took the last 35 miles on the train. We didn't get into Taki ? even close to it. Gosh, everything is flat. Boy, our bombers didn't miss a thing. Lot of the scenery was beautiful. We had to drive over 3 mountains. It wound up and I drove the whole 330 miles back. Boy were we traveling. That jeep is ready to fall apart. I didn't have any trouble at all.


In another letter he describes going to Kyoto to see the Imperial Palace.


October 28, 1945

Sunday 8:00 PM

We went for a ride to Kyoto, a city almost 40 miles form here and one of the only cities that wasn't bombed....Then we went to see a shrine building on the Imperial Palace. It was beautiful. I can't describe it, but I'll tell you about it when I get back.




Some photos of civilians that my Dad too while in Kyoto.

In November 1945, my Dad went to Hiroshima on a mission, which I think affected him.

November 23, 1945

Friday 6:50 P.M.

Been driving most of the day. I had a little trouble with the jeep but got it fixed this afternoon. It still isn't right yet.

Tomorrow morning, I'm leaving for Hiroshima. I'm anxious to see it and just what the Atomic Bomb did. I'll tell you all about it when I get back.


November 26, 1945

Monday 6:30 P.M.

Hiroshima is worst than I've ever seen. You had to get a special pass to get in. There's dead all around and the stench is terrific... I'll tell you everything. when I get home. I've really seen Japan more than anyone else now, and there isn't much left.  


After over 3 months in occupied Japan, my Dad was able to get enough points for a discharge and was sent home. He did not see any combat action in WW2, but if he had, he would not have come home. His unit was being trained specifically for the invasion of Japan and he knew that since 1942, but could not tell anyone.  Fortunately, the Japanese surrender ended plans for the invasion, yet he had to stay on (as many troops did in Europe and Japan) and begin the transition of these nations to peace.


The Attack on Medfield, Massachusetts, 21 February 1675/6: Ancestors Affected by the Conflict

 The Attack on Medfield, Massachusetts, 21 February 1675/6: Ancestors Affected by the Conflict In the early morning hours of 21 February 167...